Friday, November 4, 2011

Sister Sarah drools again.

Sister Sarah opens her mouth and more shit comes out

"Barack Obama is owned by Wall Street. The fat cats, as he calls them, they're his friends. They're his pals. That's where he gets his campaign donations. And he's very generous about giving these cats their cat nip — bigger returns on their investments in bailouts," Palin said.

First off you disingenuous twit, YOU ARE ALL ON THE TAKE - and if you were elected, princess, you'd be letting the Wealthy stuff your pockets full of 'donations' too.
Don't act like that isn't how Washington works, or that the GoP Tea-Party aren't the actual party in bed with corporations, with their penchant for eliminating taxes and regulations and bankrupting the government they are stumping to be elected too run.

For 30 years over all, GoP & T-Party mantra has been in place economically, and is the direct cause of today's problems. The corporations, the wealthy, that the GoP handed the financial reigns of the Economy to drove it straight off a cliff and your brilliant answer is giving them even more 'handouts' in the form of free passes to pollute , destroy, and profit without regard for who or what they harm in the process.

Blaming Obama in whole for the economic state of the Nation shows how short your memory is, and if you cant acknowledge recent history - like the last shill that was in office, what party he was a member of, and yourself, then how can we expect you to understand the repeating history we see today? Mainly as prior to the great depression where wage inequality is at all time highs, taxes and regulations are reduced , repealed, or non-existent.

In short Sister Sarah, you're a daft ignorant sheep prattling the message your own wealthy handlers have paid you to give.

The hypocrisy of your station knows no limits - you're irrelevant now and you've always been irrelevant. And if you want to know why OWS and those that side with them didn't join the T-Party it's because the t-party panders to the lowest common denominators in this Nation. Fear and Ignorance. OWS and those that support it are neither afraid, nor ignorant.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fuck Facebook

3rd time is a charm they say.

I'm officially done with fuckbook.
Apparently, any asshat can report your posts for any reason, and you'll be banned / blocked from using the site - even for things that clearly do not violate the policies you can be reported for.

So, some disingenuous political troll didn't like being proven wrong with facts and spam reported all my posts and got me suspended from posting for 3 days.
Apparently all that money Mark Fuckerberg is rolling in doesn't go to pay people to actually vet violation reports to see if they're accurate.

Yes, piss someone off on facebook, and all they have to do is spam report your posts, and you'll automatically be blocked without recourse, and without someone actually checking to see if what was reported violated their terms of service - they also apparently don't give a crap that people create accounts for no other purpose than being disruptive or trolling.

So fuck you facebook, and fuck you especially Mark Fuckerberg you insipid greedy asshole.

You can find me on google+


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Who controls finance in this nation?

I found this article highly telling of the core issue with our Nation.
Headline : More blame DC than Wall Street for financial issues.

The first, and most obvious problem with the people that think this way is,
They demonstrate that they do not have a clue who controls finance in this Nation, or at large, the World.

When the FED was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson on December 23, 1913, D.C. - The Government, and thus, the People essentially left control of their Nations finances to the Banks.

So it's especially disturbing , but not surprising to see that people don't seem to get that little fact. Blaming DC would be prudent, if you want to point back to 1913 and say "this is when it happened" Blaming DC or the acting president TODAY is disingenuous at best, and wantonly ignorant at worst.

This is why I'm always patently amused when I hear pundits and their sheep bleat on about how the acting president isn't doing enough, or has failed in his duty, or how government has created the mess with their lax monetary and fiscal policy - because THEY aren't the ones creating the fiscal policy in the first place.

The collective of Banks known as the 'Central Bank' or ' The Fed' is NOT a Government Entity, rather a collection of Private Banks and Financial Institutions - that also comprise much of 'Wall Street'. It is their monetary and fiscal policy - or rather their 'profit at all costs' policy that is the direct and continued cause of the problems in our Nation. Greed has supplanted our Democracy, and Capitalism - in fact, there isn't a single system of governance or finance that has stood the test against greed.. greed has felled them all - and our Democracy and Capitalism is no different.

As an extra credit question ; Who was the last elected president to take on the Fed / Central Bank and what happened to him?

This answer is simple - greed must be cut out at the root. Banks must be relieved of their power to dictate Financial policy - in order to divorce greed from our Governance.

If our citizenry, and by extension the Government who 'represents' us (allegedly) don't do something to correct this problem - then they should receive the blame for their inaction. But 'We the people' seem perfectly happy to turn a blind eye for the promise of a little extra scratch to turn over to the profiteers - or at least complacent to be led around and turned against the last bastion of our collective power by those who are corrupted by greed.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

I'll take contradiction for $2000 Alex...

It's been all over the news lately ; the reply of the people and candidates at the recent GoP debate. The question went like this...

A man, who could otherwise afford insurance coverage, but choose not to, becomes deathly ill - and will die without help - should he be allowed to die, or should the government step in and help.

Now, we all know the answer the people in the crowds shouted , loud and clear, and we all know how just about every candidate either agreed in principal and or pussy-footed around the answer - but not enough to make it sound like they felt the man 'deserved' help. The crux was, the Man took no responsibility for Himself.

It was this morning, I had the epiphany ; Take the same question, and pose it this way to the same exact group of people :

A corporation, that makes million/billions in profits, who can afford their tax burdens, but otherwise find ways to avoid it are in danger of going out of business because now the IRS is demanding what they owe (and or the CEO's and upper management take too much profit for them selves and don't leave enough for the workers). Do these corporations deserve a tax break? (Free Health insurance for corporations even though they can afford their tax burdens)

I wonder how many in that crowd would shout YES, and I wonder how many of those Candidates would agree that this poor corporation that didn't act responsibly and pay their taxes should not be forgiven for such, and given a tax break.

Think long and carefully about this question, and ask it of every tea-hadist / GoP type you know, and watch them fucking squirm as they realize that they just contradicted their own mantra. Not that I expect many of them would be smart enough to understand it, or even if they did, logical enough to actually change their minds based on a fact.

The people asking for us to vote them President would rather YOU die where you sit than a Corporation or a wealthy person pay a tax -for anything- - Remember that when you believe ANY of these people are looking out for You.

Once again, I encourage you to write your representatives and please, copy and paste my twist question to them - and see what their answer is. It might shock you, then again, it probably wont.

Now you see why we must, at all costs, banish these people from our Governance.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I've got your bootstraps right here....

I don't see how as a business owner, One can sit there and claim to be more knowledgeable on 'growing the economy' when the grand solution is to not pay your workers enough to afford the stuff you create.

We're the wealthiest Nation on the planet per-capita - and when WE can't afford your goods and services, the problem isn't -your- tax rates, the Government, regulations, or whatever other excuse you craft to get what essentially amounts to Corporate welfare and handouts from the same government you publicly admonish for doing the same for the people you're currently screwing out of their future 'for profits'.

These 'business people' better get their heads out of their asses and knock off their greed mongering ways, or those bootstraps they're so fond of telling the working class to grab, will be used to string them up.

I hear a lot of talk about "Being Responsible" from this same lot - the very people that essentially commit tax evasion buy simply not paying their taxes - not saving for them - they essentially flaunt this in the face of the Law - not abiding by 'laws' they don't agree with while they demand anyone else that doesn't earn their keep be tossed out on their arses, and or enslaved into the incarceration state when the Working class choose to arbitrarily ignore laws.

I see no loss of Irony in the fact that a White man ended slavery over a hundred years ago, and today a Black man is leading us right back there by not standing up to these Corporations and Business people that are selling out their, and our nation to the lowest wage bidders - and won't support a better standard of living for the poor people in their own nation under the guise of Communism/Socialism while they pump Money and assets into places like China and India and every other barely 2nd World Nation with cheap labor. They're apparently also too ignorant or greedy to understand that ; If china is a threat to our economy, it is exactly because these Business owners and 'job creators' made it that way.

Remember this when you go to the polls in 2012 - NO ONE is looking out for YOU or US BUT YOU OR US. The Government doesn't care, and the 'Job Creators' certainly don't.
Remember as you vote that, handing the Business owners more control and power over your government means less for you and the Nation in the long run - for them, the only way to compete with a place like China is to debase the value YOU provide the Nation as a member of the working class, and gut their own Nation. We should all recognize that We the People, and our Nation are being held hostage - and it is not the policy of the Citizens of the United States of America to negotiate with terrorists bent on their own greedy hegemony.

The time to take back what is ours is NOW , the time to fight for what WE built is now - if We do not do this, no one else will.

Join Me Citizens.. Write your representatives at every level of government - Tell them exactly how you feel, tell them that they will not gain your vote or support if they do not stand up to corruption and greed - and then - follow through on it by NOT voting for the greedy or the corrupt, or those who back them - even if that leaves you no choice - write a name in if you must, But do not give votes to the greedy or corrupt any longer. There is no more 'lesser of two evils' it's time We the People recognized that Evil is Evil and there is no less than that.

It is time we put these entities on Notice, handed them their Pink Slips , in a delicious twist of irony.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tax holidays... Why the USA is Broke.

I see one of the suggestions for the budget / jobs is to give corporations that practice tax evasion, by keeping their profits off shore instead of claiming them in the USA, a "tax holiday" only taxing their profits at a far lower rate than they'd normally have. Instead of paying 35% they would pay a substantially reduced rate, any where from 5% to 8% typically. It's estimated that even at 5% this 'holiday' would net roughly $50 Billion in revenue.

You're working class? Try not paying your taxes then asking for a reduced rate.. see how that works out for you.

This is why our Nation is broke, people and corporations who clearly take advantage of all this Nation offers, it's infrastructure, it's defense, think they owe nothing for any of it.

Write your congressmen - and representatives. Let them know under no circumstances will the Working class of this nation stand for sanctioned tax evasion, nor will we reward corporations that don't want to pay their share for what they get with a 'tax holiday' - insist that we close ALL 'off-shore' loopholes to hold these corporations who benefit from all US citizenship offers but feel they owe nothing for - accountable.

If these corporations can't get by because of their tax rate - then they deserve their failure, because it's not their taxes that is the problem. It's other other 65% of their 'profits' they aren't using wisely.

That or actually give them what they pay for.. 'Sorry, you guys don't want to pay your taxes, so we're not going to get involved internationally to guarantee your interests (Say, wars for Oil, and etc)because we don't have enough revenue to launch wars for your profitability.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Enjoy your fantasy.

Apparently my reality interferes with the fantasy people
have built for themselves on facebook. So sorry I'm not a
'head in the clouds' type who can simply ignore
all the shit that I've dealt with, and continue to deal with.

It must be nice, to not have lost your job or jobs in this economy,
not to be de-vauled as a worker, or as a person, not to be treated
like a wage slave, not have to find or look for something better for such reasons.
Must be a fucking charmed fucking life to not have to work for $12/h with no
benefits for you or your family - and know that no matter where you try to go, things
won't be much better.

If you were in my shoes, you'd have a hard time being positive too.
Go ahead, do some fucking math and figure out what your life would be like if you lost your current job, had to take a job that amounted to a 75% pay cut with no benefits and no hope of advancement. See how fucking enamored with your daily existence you become.

So fucking sorry that what is good about my life isn't enough to change what sucks about it or enough to ignore it at the least. So fucking sorry that the one thing I do have is enough for YOU to think I shouldn't be upset or tired of eating shit. Want to trade? No? Then shut the fuck up and stick your head back in the sand or the clouds.

I'll post my ranting here, so as not to disrupt everyone's fucking fantasy land where it's all unicorn farts and fucking rainbows.

Carry on in YOUR fantasy.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The word of the day is...

This is an audio clip of a Monty Python skit about the Eff word. While it is comedic in nature, it's still not safe for work, or children.

The Word Fuck

I felt this was relevant, If not funny.
Words only have the power we give them.
If we give them none, they have none.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Raise your pitchforks and torches.

I've been told I need to do this. That there are like minded people waiting for
such a catalyst. I'm always uneasy when I hear such things as I do not hold the belief that people can lead their own lives, and be led by others at the same time. I prefer that all people lead themselves - and that all peoples are capable, and willing, if they have the proper tools to do so.

And this dear reader, is where We are today. A society that has sold the tools it would use to govern themselves to whom ever made the most grand promises, and flashed the most gilded wares -if only- we choose not to govern ourselves and let them do it for us. We divvy up our power and 'vote' it away into the same corrupt pool of players under the guise of choice. Even when we realize this, we barely make a whimper, and immediately grab onto another grand promise from the lesser evil - if only....Stop me if you've heard this story before.

This is how I feel, and this is what I think about the things I see happening around me. I cannot recall a time when I did not think and feel so. And I know you, dear reader know this feeling as well.

The good news is, I am not a fatalist, I do believe we have the ability to change the course we are on. And that is the discussion I wish to carry on here. I hope you'll join us here at IYD, as I have a feeling our other resident bloggers will soon come out of hiding, and who knows, we might add a few?!?

And no, things won't always be so heavy around my blogs. I'm as good as anyone at enjoying the bread and circus.. but on the other side, suspending disbelief has never been one of my strong suits. Fair warning.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Three Links to Make You Happy You're a Man

Yea boy.