Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Raise your pitchforks and torches.

I've been told I need to do this. That there are like minded people waiting for
such a catalyst. I'm always uneasy when I hear such things as I do not hold the belief that people can lead their own lives, and be led by others at the same time. I prefer that all people lead themselves - and that all peoples are capable, and willing, if they have the proper tools to do so.

And this dear reader, is where We are today. A society that has sold the tools it would use to govern themselves to whom ever made the most grand promises, and flashed the most gilded wares -if only- we choose not to govern ourselves and let them do it for us. We divvy up our power and 'vote' it away into the same corrupt pool of players under the guise of choice. Even when we realize this, we barely make a whimper, and immediately grab onto another grand promise from the lesser evil - if only....Stop me if you've heard this story before.

This is how I feel, and this is what I think about the things I see happening around me. I cannot recall a time when I did not think and feel so. And I know you, dear reader know this feeling as well.

The good news is, I am not a fatalist, I do believe we have the ability to change the course we are on. And that is the discussion I wish to carry on here. I hope you'll join us here at IYD, as I have a feeling our other resident bloggers will soon come out of hiding, and who knows, we might add a few?!?

And no, things won't always be so heavy around my blogs. I'm as good as anyone at enjoying the bread and circus.. but on the other side, suspending disbelief has never been one of my strong suits. Fair warning.


Unknown said...

This is long overdue. Love it.

Krista said...

You do not have to be leading others to be a catalyst. Often, I have found that people are afraid to step forward because they are worried that no one shares their opinion and that they might be ridiculed for their thoughts/beliefs. If even ONE person is spurred to action because you went out on a limb, I do not think you are wasting your time. From the one, many. :)