Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Enjoy your fantasy.

Apparently my reality interferes with the fantasy people
have built for themselves on facebook. So sorry I'm not a
'head in the clouds' type who can simply ignore
all the shit that I've dealt with, and continue to deal with.

It must be nice, to not have lost your job or jobs in this economy,
not to be de-vauled as a worker, or as a person, not to be treated
like a wage slave, not have to find or look for something better for such reasons.
Must be a fucking charmed fucking life to not have to work for $12/h with no
benefits for you or your family - and know that no matter where you try to go, things
won't be much better.

If you were in my shoes, you'd have a hard time being positive too.
Go ahead, do some fucking math and figure out what your life would be like if you lost your current job, had to take a job that amounted to a 75% pay cut with no benefits and no hope of advancement. See how fucking enamored with your daily existence you become.

So fucking sorry that what is good about my life isn't enough to change what sucks about it or enough to ignore it at the least. So fucking sorry that the one thing I do have is enough for YOU to think I shouldn't be upset or tired of eating shit. Want to trade? No? Then shut the fuck up and stick your head back in the sand or the clouds.

I'll post my ranting here, so as not to disrupt everyone's fucking fantasy land where it's all unicorn farts and fucking rainbows.

Carry on in YOUR fantasy.


Tayshon Mesick said...

Yeah I pretty much agree with you, my life has been in disarray for over a year now and all those unicorn farts and rainbows just seems to make it worse. I'm gonna miss the realism you bring to Facebook, but it's my only connection to alot of people so I'm not going to join you in walking away from it..

Ron said...

Beyond all the bullshit I want to stay connected to certain people and with distance this is my way to do it. My brother you can't let the details of it attack you. Use it like any tool, be it screw or driver, and put it away after you done using it. Brother I always get worried when your angry cause you pull away behind a fortress of "I don't give a fuck about anything". I can relate in the hopeless you feel sometimes with the job market, this society, but I work so hard to let the moment be most important, and find the smile for NOW. I wish this for you.