Friday, November 4, 2011

Sister Sarah drools again.

Sister Sarah opens her mouth and more shit comes out

"Barack Obama is owned by Wall Street. The fat cats, as he calls them, they're his friends. They're his pals. That's where he gets his campaign donations. And he's very generous about giving these cats their cat nip — bigger returns on their investments in bailouts," Palin said.

First off you disingenuous twit, YOU ARE ALL ON THE TAKE - and if you were elected, princess, you'd be letting the Wealthy stuff your pockets full of 'donations' too.
Don't act like that isn't how Washington works, or that the GoP Tea-Party aren't the actual party in bed with corporations, with their penchant for eliminating taxes and regulations and bankrupting the government they are stumping to be elected too run.

For 30 years over all, GoP & T-Party mantra has been in place economically, and is the direct cause of today's problems. The corporations, the wealthy, that the GoP handed the financial reigns of the Economy to drove it straight off a cliff and your brilliant answer is giving them even more 'handouts' in the form of free passes to pollute , destroy, and profit without regard for who or what they harm in the process.

Blaming Obama in whole for the economic state of the Nation shows how short your memory is, and if you cant acknowledge recent history - like the last shill that was in office, what party he was a member of, and yourself, then how can we expect you to understand the repeating history we see today? Mainly as prior to the great depression where wage inequality is at all time highs, taxes and regulations are reduced , repealed, or non-existent.

In short Sister Sarah, you're a daft ignorant sheep prattling the message your own wealthy handlers have paid you to give.

The hypocrisy of your station knows no limits - you're irrelevant now and you've always been irrelevant. And if you want to know why OWS and those that side with them didn't join the T-Party it's because the t-party panders to the lowest common denominators in this Nation. Fear and Ignorance. OWS and those that support it are neither afraid, nor ignorant.

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