Thursday, September 15, 2011

I've got your bootstraps right here....

I don't see how as a business owner, One can sit there and claim to be more knowledgeable on 'growing the economy' when the grand solution is to not pay your workers enough to afford the stuff you create.

We're the wealthiest Nation on the planet per-capita - and when WE can't afford your goods and services, the problem isn't -your- tax rates, the Government, regulations, or whatever other excuse you craft to get what essentially amounts to Corporate welfare and handouts from the same government you publicly admonish for doing the same for the people you're currently screwing out of their future 'for profits'.

These 'business people' better get their heads out of their asses and knock off their greed mongering ways, or those bootstraps they're so fond of telling the working class to grab, will be used to string them up.

I hear a lot of talk about "Being Responsible" from this same lot - the very people that essentially commit tax evasion buy simply not paying their taxes - not saving for them - they essentially flaunt this in the face of the Law - not abiding by 'laws' they don't agree with while they demand anyone else that doesn't earn their keep be tossed out on their arses, and or enslaved into the incarceration state when the Working class choose to arbitrarily ignore laws.

I see no loss of Irony in the fact that a White man ended slavery over a hundred years ago, and today a Black man is leading us right back there by not standing up to these Corporations and Business people that are selling out their, and our nation to the lowest wage bidders - and won't support a better standard of living for the poor people in their own nation under the guise of Communism/Socialism while they pump Money and assets into places like China and India and every other barely 2nd World Nation with cheap labor. They're apparently also too ignorant or greedy to understand that ; If china is a threat to our economy, it is exactly because these Business owners and 'job creators' made it that way.

Remember this when you go to the polls in 2012 - NO ONE is looking out for YOU or US BUT YOU OR US. The Government doesn't care, and the 'Job Creators' certainly don't.
Remember as you vote that, handing the Business owners more control and power over your government means less for you and the Nation in the long run - for them, the only way to compete with a place like China is to debase the value YOU provide the Nation as a member of the working class, and gut their own Nation. We should all recognize that We the People, and our Nation are being held hostage - and it is not the policy of the Citizens of the United States of America to negotiate with terrorists bent on their own greedy hegemony.

The time to take back what is ours is NOW , the time to fight for what WE built is now - if We do not do this, no one else will.

Join Me Citizens.. Write your representatives at every level of government - Tell them exactly how you feel, tell them that they will not gain your vote or support if they do not stand up to corruption and greed - and then - follow through on it by NOT voting for the greedy or the corrupt, or those who back them - even if that leaves you no choice - write a name in if you must, But do not give votes to the greedy or corrupt any longer. There is no more 'lesser of two evils' it's time We the People recognized that Evil is Evil and there is no less than that.

It is time we put these entities on Notice, handed them their Pink Slips , in a delicious twist of irony.

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