Sunday, September 18, 2011

I'll take contradiction for $2000 Alex...

It's been all over the news lately ; the reply of the people and candidates at the recent GoP debate. The question went like this...

A man, who could otherwise afford insurance coverage, but choose not to, becomes deathly ill - and will die without help - should he be allowed to die, or should the government step in and help.

Now, we all know the answer the people in the crowds shouted , loud and clear, and we all know how just about every candidate either agreed in principal and or pussy-footed around the answer - but not enough to make it sound like they felt the man 'deserved' help. The crux was, the Man took no responsibility for Himself.

It was this morning, I had the epiphany ; Take the same question, and pose it this way to the same exact group of people :

A corporation, that makes million/billions in profits, who can afford their tax burdens, but otherwise find ways to avoid it are in danger of going out of business because now the IRS is demanding what they owe (and or the CEO's and upper management take too much profit for them selves and don't leave enough for the workers). Do these corporations deserve a tax break? (Free Health insurance for corporations even though they can afford their tax burdens)

I wonder how many in that crowd would shout YES, and I wonder how many of those Candidates would agree that this poor corporation that didn't act responsibly and pay their taxes should not be forgiven for such, and given a tax break.

Think long and carefully about this question, and ask it of every tea-hadist / GoP type you know, and watch them fucking squirm as they realize that they just contradicted their own mantra. Not that I expect many of them would be smart enough to understand it, or even if they did, logical enough to actually change their minds based on a fact.

The people asking for us to vote them President would rather YOU die where you sit than a Corporation or a wealthy person pay a tax -for anything- - Remember that when you believe ANY of these people are looking out for You.

Once again, I encourage you to write your representatives and please, copy and paste my twist question to them - and see what their answer is. It might shock you, then again, it probably wont.

Now you see why we must, at all costs, banish these people from our Governance.

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