Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Who controls finance in this nation?

I found this article highly telling of the core issue with our Nation.
Headline : More blame DC than Wall Street for financial issues.

The first, and most obvious problem with the people that think this way is,
They demonstrate that they do not have a clue who controls finance in this Nation, or at large, the World.

When the FED was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson on December 23, 1913, D.C. - The Government, and thus, the People essentially left control of their Nations finances to the Banks.

So it's especially disturbing , but not surprising to see that people don't seem to get that little fact. Blaming DC would be prudent, if you want to point back to 1913 and say "this is when it happened" Blaming DC or the acting president TODAY is disingenuous at best, and wantonly ignorant at worst.

This is why I'm always patently amused when I hear pundits and their sheep bleat on about how the acting president isn't doing enough, or has failed in his duty, or how government has created the mess with their lax monetary and fiscal policy - because THEY aren't the ones creating the fiscal policy in the first place.

The collective of Banks known as the 'Central Bank' or ' The Fed' is NOT a Government Entity, rather a collection of Private Banks and Financial Institutions - that also comprise much of 'Wall Street'. It is their monetary and fiscal policy - or rather their 'profit at all costs' policy that is the direct and continued cause of the problems in our Nation. Greed has supplanted our Democracy, and Capitalism - in fact, there isn't a single system of governance or finance that has stood the test against greed.. greed has felled them all - and our Democracy and Capitalism is no different.

As an extra credit question ; Who was the last elected president to take on the Fed / Central Bank and what happened to him?

This answer is simple - greed must be cut out at the root. Banks must be relieved of their power to dictate Financial policy - in order to divorce greed from our Governance.

If our citizenry, and by extension the Government who 'represents' us (allegedly) don't do something to correct this problem - then they should receive the blame for their inaction. But 'We the people' seem perfectly happy to turn a blind eye for the promise of a little extra scratch to turn over to the profiteers - or at least complacent to be led around and turned against the last bastion of our collective power by those who are corrupted by greed.

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